Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Self-improvement tip of the day

I noticed the other day that when my kids and their friends get together, hyperbole is their default mode of description. Everything is either the best, or the worst. It's fantastic, or it sucks. She's my best friend, or my worst enemy. Well, pot, meet kettle, because I realized this morning that I do the same thing. My descriptors are always at the edge, never in the middle. Here is my ranking scale that I use in my daily life (and I mean for anything -- a new product interface I am reviewing, a contract draft sent by a partner, the weather, a new CD I bought).

The worst ever
The second worst ever
Not entirely sucky
Incredibly amazing
The best in the universe

Note to self: add more shades of grey. Sometimes a thing can just be reasonably good. Makes it that more impactful when something really is great or bad.

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